
I’ve ran into some technical difficulties (among other things) I am hoping to have Reagan’s latest chapter up sometime next week. As I look to complete her story in the next couple of months I want to say thank you for hanging in there with me through this journey of mine. Yes, its a Sims story, but more than that its been my introduction back into a world of writing I haven’t been able to be apart of due to medical circumstances in quite a long time. I love The Sims and once I complete Reagan’s story I will continue to post updates on her life and of the other Sims in it. Thanks again.

4 thoughts on “Update

  1. Technical issues are the worse, sorry. I can’t wait to read the next update though no matter how long it may take. After this you will do another story right? You’re too good of a writer to just end it here. Take care 🙂


    • Thanks, you’re so sweet. I’m not entirely sure if I’ll do another story. I’ve been on the fence about doing a short story based on my Sim self as an eleven year old and some stuff I was going through at the time. As you writing a Sim story is a lot of work. Since I have so much going on in real life I’m not sure if I can commit to another long story like this. I am so glad for your interest and kind words, I really appreciate it. I hope to read another story from you one day too, because you’re a terrific writer. I want to do Reagan’s story justice and there is so much left to tell. Thanks again, take care 🙂


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J. A. Allen

Scribbles on Cocktail Napkins

Alliance of Magic Series

a universe connected by stars and dreams

Read to Write Stories

Writing Exercises Inspired by Contemporary Stories


Beauty and lifestyle Blog

Winter's Alchemy

I'm not here to tell the truth, I'm here to tell a story.

Livin' A Simmin' Life

a collection of Sims stories and musings


...a lot can change in a summer!